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"A big thank you for this internship which did me the greatest good... I really liked this way of proceeding and the atmosphere of the internship was pleasant. Thank you for taking care of us and giving us all individual attention.
So, to you I say, one of these days perhaps... our watercolour paths will meet again.
All the best."
- Danièle

Workshops - 2025
Creative Watercolour Workshop, Atélier Pièce Unique, Fourqueux - 8 February FULL
Day Workshops Atelier Beauséjour, Sartrouville - click on link for more information
Pinceaux Passion en Champagne, Reims 8 & 9 March FULL
Loire Valley - 12 & 13 April FULL
Kanata Art Club, Canada - 12 to 15 June
Landes Aquarelle, Morcenx - 2 & 3 Octobre
For more information coming soon.

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